What is Sound?
Generally, giving signal or impression, by using vocal organ is called sounds. When we speak using our muscles, Chest, Jaws, Nose and Mouth producing a flow of air is called sound. It is a unit of a word which pronounces as a stress human vocal tract. The movement that produces meaningful something is considered as speech sound. The science of phonetics attempts to describe all sound used in human language sound constitute a subset of the totality of sounds that humans can produce.
The Production of any sound involves the movement of air. The opening between the vocal cords is the glottis and is located in the larynx. The tubular part of the throat above the larynx is the pharynx. What sensible people call "the mouth” we linguists call the oral cavity to distinguish it from nasal cavity, which is the nose the plumbing that connects it to throat, plus your sinuses. All of it together is the vocal tract.
Classification of Sound:
The Sounds are classified as two parts; one is Vowels and another is consonants.
Vowel sounds: Sounds That Pronounce in dependently are considered as vowel sounds. Consonant sound: Sounds those pronouns taking the help of vowel sounds are known as consonant sound.
Consonant sounds are classified as 24 types. English consonant sounds are classified according four considerations; these are.
i) Places of Articulation
ii) Manner of Articulation
iii) Voicing
iv) Clarity (Oral/Vocal)
According to places of articulation, we are going to discus about classification of consonant Sounds.
1. Bilabials: Articulating by bringing both lip together what we get are termed as bilabials sounds.
2. Labia- dental: Sounds by touching the bottom lip to the upper teeth are called labio-dentals.
3. Dental: Tongue tip that placed between two rows of teeth is called dental.
4. Alveolar : Alveolar Sounds are articulated by raising the front part of the tongue to the alveolar ridge.
5. Past Alveolar: Not touching the alveolar ridge Tongue- tip, articulates with alveolar region. Is called Do not touch the alveolar-
6. Plato- Alveolar: The blade of the tongue touches a wide area between the alveolar ridge and the plate.
7. Palatal: To Produce the sounds in the middle of the words mission, and measure, the front part of the tongue is raised to paint on the hard palate just behind the alveolar ridge. There are palatal sounds.
8. Velar: The Sounds that produced by raising the back of the tongue to the soft palate is called velar.
9. Glottal: Sounds that take two vocal cords for articulating with each other.
According to the summer of articulation we going to discus about classification of consonant sounds’ these are as follow.
i) Plosive: In producing consonants the airstreams may be completely stopped or just partially obstructed. Sounds that are stopped completed in the oral cavity for a brief period are not surprisingly called plosive.
ii) Fricatives: Sounds That comes from friction by escaping a small passage making a fishing sounds is called fricative.-
iii) Affricate: Affricates are complex consonant begins with plosives and ends as fricatives. That means half plosive and half fricative is known affricate.
iv) Nasal: Sounds that scap originates air through both rose and mouth are called nasal sounds. In other way, Air Passage stopped some where in the mouth, velum being lowered, air escape through nose is known as nasal-
v) Lateral: Sounds that pass air through the sides of the tongue are called Lateral-
vi) Approximant: Sounds that articulate two articulator drawing each other, but don’t touch and there no plosion and friction are called approximant.
According to the voicing that is the presence or absence of the vibration of vocal cords is classified in 2 types.
i) Voiced: When producing a sound if the vocal cords vibrate, it is called voiced sound.
ii) Voiceless: What Produces Without taking vibration of any vocal cords is called voice less sounds.
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